Undeliverable Email Addresses

Sometimes you’ll notice a resident’s email address is red in the Manage -> Residents grid. If you click on that resident you can see the reason for the error. Here is a description of the error codes. All but SpamReport can be reactivated quickly and easily, just reach out to support via the chat box in the bottom right or the help page, linked in the footer of the site.

  • Bounce – Indicates the email was sent to the recipient’s mail server, but that mail server did not recognize the address.
  • FailedSend – A general error code indicating the email did not reach the recipient’s mail server.
  • SpamReport – Indicates the resident received an email from your association and clicked the “This email is spam” button in their mail client. This is actually more serious than it seems and a resident can be permanently deny-listed should they report multiple emails as spam. If a resident doesn’t not want to receive emails from your group, perhaps remove them as a resident or clear their email address. If you want to reactivate have the resident email hello@CommunityAlly.org confirming they want to receive email and asking to be reactivated.
  • Inactive – Indicates the receiving mail server knows the email address, but it’s marked as an inactive/unused address.

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